How Necessary Is Christianity to European Identity?

How Necessary Is Christianity to European Identity?

How Necessary Is Christianity to European Identity? 26 January 2011 The question if and how Christianity is necessary to Europe has an official answer. During summer 2010, three million calendars of the new year have been distributed, with all the festivities, except the Christian ones, in it. Meanwhile, the European Commission of Justice had decided…

Il sen. Pera a Washington DC

Il sen. Pera a Washington DC

Once the heart of Christendom, Europe now is increasingly a secularist culture. While many states retain Christian symbols on their flags and official sports team uniforms, and references to Christian beliefs remain in some constitutions, many Europeans are leaving the religion. Earlier this decade, in considering the ratification of a European constitution (an effort that…

L’Europa sta perdendo le radici e le sue identita’

L’Europa sta perdendo le radici e le sue identita’

11 Gennaio 2011 L’Europa sta perdendo le radici e le sue identità Lucia Bellaspiga   “Un discorso non diplomatico ai diplomatici”. Usa un gioco di parole, il filosofo ed ex presidente del Senato Marcello Pera, per riassumere il tono delle dichiarazioni di Benedetto XVI. “Non contiene ne’ consente ambiguita’ spiega e pone un aut aut:…